Real Estate Website Design

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This is a Photoshop tutorial on building a real estate website design using Adobe Photoshop CS3. This real estate website design tutorial will take you through a step by step process if you offer web design services to your agents/realtors. Website templates for real estate agents are great, but what if you could create professional real estate websites that were completely unique, espectially since there are so many web design services. Start to create you very own website templates, and hey, sell your website templates to web design services like Template Monster. If you company offers website design services, why not make some passive income using these techniques. Anyhow, this should provide you with a decent path to creating further real estate website designs in Photoshop.

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Wooden Web Layout Tutorial

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In this tutorial we’re going to look at how to make a wooden web layout, that is, a web layout with a wooden theme, using wood stock photos, etc.

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Create a Watercolor WordPress Layout

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In this tutorial you are going to learn how to create a colorful and fun blog styled layout that would be used with something like WordPress. If you have no much time to do this tutorial then don't worry. You can able to download the result of this tutorial in psd format.

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Glowing Text Effect

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In this tutorial, you will learn to create this effect using very basic Photoshop tools and layering effects. This tutorial is simple enough for a beginner to understand, but I should warn you that in this tutorial there ends up being over 60 active text layers, which will require a heavy use of your computer’s memory. Let’s jump into this tutorial and layer some glowing text.

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Chocolate Text Effect

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Learn how to quickly design some delectable, rich dark chocolate flavored text! A single look at text like this will make any chocolate lovers mouth water instantly!

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Clean Dark Navbar

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Create this Dark Style Navigation Bar in simple and quick three steps.

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Clean Business Layout Tutorial

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If you want to create clean, nice and good looking Business Web Layout step by step, this tutorial helps you a lot.

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